
Principal Investigator

Yoon, Young-Gyu   [Google Scholar]

Associate Professor

Ph. D. in EECS, MIT, 2018
M.S. in EE, KAIST, 2009
B.S. in EE, KAIST, 2007

Associate/Assistant Professor, KAIST, 2023/2018 - present
Postdoctoral Associate, MIT, 2018
Research Engineer, KAIST Institute, 2009 - 2012

E-mail: ygyoon at

Honors & Awards
Selected as KAIST Breakthroughs, 2025
Selected as KAIST Breakthroughs, 2024
Selected as KAIST Breakthroughs, 2022
Selected as KAIST’s Research Highlights, 2021
Samsung Scholarship, 2012
IEEE CAS Guillemon-Cauer Best Paper Award, 2009
Topped the list at academic achievement test (Mathematics, Physics) among all freshmen of KAIST, 2003

Short Biography
Young-Gyu Yoon is an associate professor of electrical engineering at KAIST and he holds a joint appointment in the Department of of Semiconductor System Engineering. He is the leader of the KAIST Neuro-Instrumentation and Computational Analysis lab, an interdisciplinary research group focused on advancing neurotechnology, optical imaging, and computing.

He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in EE from KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, in 2007 and 2009, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in EECS from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, in 2018. He received the 2009 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Guillemon-Cauer Best Paper Award for his work at professor SeongHwan Cho's group on mixed-signal CMOS circuit design. During his doctoral studies with professor Ed Boyden, he developed optical and computational tools for imaging and analyzing brain circuits. Following his Ph.D. studies, he briefly worked as a postdoctoral associate at MIT.

Graduate students

Cho, Eun-Seo   [Google Scholar]

Ph.D. student 

Research area

Imaging Brain Activity

Computational Imaging

M.S. in EE, KAIST, 2021
B.S. in BME, Hanynang Univ., 2018

E-mail: eunseo.cho at


Short Biography

Eun-Seo received his bachelor's degree in Biomedical Engineering from Hanyang University and his master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from KAIST. Currently, he is a Ph.D. student in NICA lab and he works on developing novel optical imaging systems to image the neural activity of the entire brain with high spatial and temporal resolutions.


*co-first authors

Han, Seungjae [Google Scholar]

Ph.D. student

Research area

Computational Imaging

Neuro-image Processing


B.S. in SIT, Yonsei Univ., 2020

E-mail: jay0118 at


Short Biography

Seungjae is a Ph.D. student in Neuro-Instrumentation & Computational Analysis (NICA) lab at KAIST. He received his bachelor's degree in Integrated Technology from Yonsei University. He is developing novel methods to acquire and analyze calcium imaging data.



*co-first authors

Kim, Gyuri   [Google Scholar]    

Ph.D. student

Research area

Imaging Brain Activity

Neuro-data Mining


B.S. in EE, DGIST, 2021

E-mail: gyuri2102 at


Short Biography

Gyuri is a Ph.D. student in Neuro-Instrumentation & Computational Analysis (NICA) lab at KAIST. She received her bachelor's degrees in School of Undergraduate Studies (major in Electrical Engineering) at DGIST.


*co-first authors

Eom, Minho   [Google Scholar]    

Ph.D. student

Research area

Computational Neuroscience of Mental Disorders

Functional / Structural Connectomics

Neuro-image Processing


M.S. in EE, KAIST, 2023

B.S. in CS&EE, KAIST, 2021

E-mail: at


Short Biography

Minho Eom is a Ph.D. student in the School of Electrical Engineering at KAIST and a researcher at the Neuro-Instrumentation & Computational Analysis Lab. His research focuses on computational neuroscience of mental disorders, utilizing computational methods to investigate the neural mechanisms underlying psychiatric conditions. His work encompasses functional and structural connectomics, as well as neuro-image processing, to advance the understanding of brain function and its disorders. He received his B.S. degrees in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering from KAIST in 2021, and his M.S. in Electrical Engineering from KAIST in 2023.


*co-first authors

You, Joshua Yedam   [Google Scholar]

Ph.D. student

Research area

Computational Imaging

Neuro-image Processing


M.S. in EE, KAIST, 2024

B.S. in CPE, University of Virginia (Minor Pre-Medical Track), 2020 

E-mail: jyy20422 at


Short Biography

Josh is currently a master student at the Neuro-Instrumentation & Computational Analysis (NICA) lab at KAIST, supervised by Dr. Young-Gyu Yoon. He received his Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering with high distinction at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA. After receiving his Bachelor’s degree, he worked as research engineer at the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, MD, USA through the NIST Professional Research Experience Program (PREP) with the University of Maryland, College Park. He is interested in applying computational methodologies such as machine learning and computer vision to understand neurological activity and behavior.


*co-first authors

Kim, Soi   [Google Scholar]

Ph.D. student 

Research area

Computational Imaging 

Neuro-image processing


B.S. in EE, Soongsil Univ., 2022

E-mail: eleksy25 at

Short Biography

Soi is a master's student in Neuro-Instrumentation & Computational Analysis(NICA) lab at KAIST. She received her bachelor's degree in Electronic Engineering from Soongsil University in 2022. she worked as a research engineer at LIGNex1 from 2022 to 2023. She is interested in biomedical image computing and machine learning.

Park, Joon   [Google Scholar]

M.S. student

Research area

Computational Imaging 

Neuro-image processing


B.S. in EE, KAIST, 2024

E-mail: joonpark2019 at

Short Biography : Joon is a master's student in the Neuro-Instrumentation & Computational Analysis (NICA) lab at KAIST. He received his bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from KAIST in 2024. He is interested in computer vision and computational imaging. 

Yu, Hayeong   [Google Scholar]  

M.S. student 

Research area

Computational Imaging 

Neuro-image processing


B.S. in EE&CS (Minor Intellectual Property), KAIST, 2024

E-mail: hayeong2001 at

Short Biography : Hayeong is a master's student in the Neuro-Instrumentation & Computational Analysis (NICA) lab at KAIST. She received her bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from KAIST in 2024. She is interested in computer vision and its applications to biomedical images. 


*co-first authors

Alumni: graduate students

Kang, Woosuk   [Google Scholar]    



M.S. in EE, KAIST, 2021

B.S. in EE, KAIST, 2019

Cho, Junmo   [Google Scholar]    



M.S. in EE, KAIST, 2022

B.S. in EE&CS (Minor Math), KAIST, 2020

E-mail: junmokane at


Short Biography

Junmo was a master student in Neuro-Instrumentation & Computational Analysis (NICA) lab at KAIST. He received his bachelor's degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from KAIST and his master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from KAIST. His research mainly focused on implementing bio-inspired AI using deep reinforcement learning. He also developed neural networks for analyzing calcium imaging data.


*co-first authors

Shin, Changyeop   [Google Scholar]



M.S. in EE, KAIST, 2022

B.S. in EECS, GIST, 2017

E-mail: scey26 at


Short Biography

Changyeop was a master student in Neuro-Instrumentation & Computational Analysis (NICA) lab at KAIST, supervised by prof. Young-Gyu Yoon. He received his bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from GIST in 2017 and his master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from KAIST in 2022. He was a research officer of national defense at Agency for Defense Development (ADD) in 2017 - 2020. His research interests included biomedical image computing and machine learning with a focus on image reconstruction and domain adaptation.


*co-first authors

Bae, Seoungbin   [Google Scholar]  



M.S. in EE, KAIST, 2024
B.S. in Cyber Defense, Korea Univ., 2021 

E-mail: sbbae31 at


Short Biography

Seoungbin was a master student in Neuro-Instrumentation & Computational Analysis (NICA) lab at KAIST. He received his bachelor's degree in Cyber Defense from Korea University.


*co-first authors

Lee, Minyoung   [Google Scholar]  



M.S. in EE, KAIST, 2024
B.S. in EE, Korea Univ., 2022 

E-mail: 520alsdud at


Short Biography

Minyoung was a master student in Neuro-Instrumentation & Computational Analysis (NICA) lab at KAIST. She received her bachelor's degrees in Electrical Engineering from Korea University in 2022.

Ahn, Sungjin   [Google Scholar]


Research area

Imaging Brain Activity

Neuro-image Processing


B.S. in EE, KAIST, 2023

E-mail: boku109 at

Short Biography

Sungjin was a master student in Neuro-Instrumentation & Computational Analysis (NICA) lab at KAIST. He received his bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from KAIST in 2023.


*co-first authors

Alumni: visiting graduate students

Liu, Huiling

M.S. student

Main affiliation

Chongqing University of Technology (CQUT)


Majoring in Information and communication engineering, Chongqing University of Technology (CQUT)

B.S. in Communication engineering, Suzhou University, 2019 

Alumni: undergraduate students

Jeon, Jiwon
(Spring 2019-

Summer 2019)

Jeon, Sang Eon
(Spring 2020)

Jeong, Jaewon
(Summer 2020)

Nam, Seo Yeon
(Summer 2020)

Jung, Hohurn
(Summer 2020)

Park, Gyutae
(Fall 2020)

Lee, Inhee
(Fall 2020,
Winter 2021-

Spring 2022)

Lee, Chang Sun
(Summer 2020-

Winter 2020)

Lee, Jeongwon
(Winter 2020-

Spring 2021)

Cho, Eun Yeong
(Winter 2020-

Spring 2021)

Ryu, Hyun
(Spring 2020-

Summer 2021,
Spring 2023)

Suh, Teokkyu
(Spring 2021-

Summer 2021)

Lee, Seyeon
(Fall 2020-

Fall 2021)

Kim, Eunsu
(Winter 2020-

Fall 2021)

Bae, Jeongin
(Spring 2021-

Fall 2021)

Yi, Euiin
(Summer 2021-

Winter 2021)

Jeon, Minsik
(Fall 2021-

Winter 2021)

Kim, Dawon
(Winter 2021)

Lee, Sanghun
(Fall 2021-

Spring 2022)

Lee, Gyuwon
(Winter 2021-

Spring 2022,
Fall 2022)

Lee, Sowoo
(Spring 2022-

Summer 2022)

Park, Mingi
(Spring 2022)

Huh, Chan
(Spring 2022)

Hwang, Namun
(Spring 2022)

Ahn, Sungjin
(Summer 2022-

Fall 2022)

Choi, Jinsung
(Summer 2022-

Fall 2022)

Park, Jong Geon
(Fall 2022)

Yu, Hayeong
(Winter 2022-

Fall 2023)

Park, Joon
(Spring 2023-

Winter 2023)

Cho, Hoyeon
(Spring 2023)

Joo, Chamjin
(Fall 2023)

Eun, Songji
(Fall 2023)

Kang, Jeonggyu
(Winter 2023)

Lee, Soyeon
(Spring 2024-

Summer 2024)

Suh, Soomin
(Summer 2024)

Lee, Haesung
(Summer 2024)

Kim, Nahye
(Summer 2024-

Fall 2024)

Chung, Yoonjae
(Winter 2022-

Spring 2024)